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Becoming a Member
It is our desire to establish long-term relationships with everyone who supports our ministries, whether it is through volunteer services or financial support, or both.
Please complete the Membership Form so that our database information can be updated as per your wishes.
Our Bylaw 2 reads as follows:
2. Membership
  1. Any resident of Canada who financially supports the Society becomes a Member of the Society.
  2. No Membership Fee shall apply; however, the Board may, from time to time, establish a Minimum Annual Contribution (“MAC") for Membership which shall be receiptable for Income Tax purposes. Any such MAC does not confer upon the Member any personal benefits or privileges upon the Donor Member other than the right to attend meetings and vote as provided herein.
  3. Each Member is subject to any Membership and/or Meeting guidelines, conditions and responsibilities established by the Board from time to time.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Board, on a case by case basis, Membership is for an initial term ending at the conclusion of the next Annual Meeting.
  5. Even though an applicable MAC has been received and Membership has been conferred upon the Donor, the Donor may opt out of Membership at any time.
  6. Membership may be cancelled for any cause or reason which the Board may deem reasonable, upon vote by the Board.
  7. Members in good standing shall have Voice and Vote at meetings of the Membership.
  8. Members may attend any meetings of the Board, as participating observers, and as such have Voice but no Vote.

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For We Care Outreach Network Society
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