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Our Volunteers
To accomplish its mandate, the Society benefits from two kinds of volunteer Ambassador “Care-givers”: those who either help raise funding or accept assignments as members of a short-term Mission Team (“Team”); some do both.
Designated Project funding is used to acquire materials and equipment for specific projects, hire the necessary local laborers, and pay for the transportation and accommodation expenses of the Team. Team members usually provide on-site physical labor as well as supervision and training, if applicable, of local laborers who have been hired with project funds.
We assemble Teams by seeking and appointing as many qualified volunteers as funding permits; and, being an effective Fundraiser is not a pre-requisite to becoming a team member.
Making the Team
Team members are expected to be physically able to carry out their volunteer assignments, to have the specific skills that may be required for a given project, and be generally healthy and immunized against diseases that are prevalent in the destination countries. Prior to leaving on their assignments and subsequent to their return, Care-givers are expected to participate in the Society’s fundraising efforts to replenish its resources so that other Ambassadors may have opportunity to offer their time and skills in the future.
Training and Debriefing
Team members must set sufficient time apart for the duration of the on-site assignment plus a few days of debriefing at the end of the project at a location “en route” before returning home. This debriefing is important in order to “rest up” and document any specific experiences that may benefit future teams as well as creating presentation formats and story boards to assist in fundraising efforts. This helps our Care-givers to become more qualified in representing the For We Care Outreach Network Society on an ongoing basis.

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For We Care Outreach Network Society
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